"He created you (all) from a single person (Adam) then made from him his wife (Hawwa) And he sent for you cattle eight pairs. HE creates you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation in three veil of darkness ( 3 trimesters). Such is ALLAH your Lord. HIS is the kingdom.Laa ilaha illa Huwa. How then are you tuned away?" (Az Zumar : 6 )
1st TRIMESTER ( 1 - 12 WEEKS )
One Month
Your baby is an embryo consisting of two layers of cells from which all her organs and body parts will develop.
Two Months
Your baby is now about the size of a kidney bean and is constantly moving. He has distinct, slightly webbed fingers.
Three Months
By now your baby is about 3 inches long and weighs nearly an ounce. Her tiny, unique fingers are now in place.
Four Months
Your baby is now about 5 inches long and weighs 5 ounces. His skeleton is starting to harden from rubbery cartilage to bone
Five Months
Eyebrows and eyelids are now in place. Your baby would now be more than 10 inches long if you stretched out her legs
Six Months
Your baby weighs about a pound and a half. His wrinkled skin is starting to smooth out as he puts on baby fat.
Seven Months
By now, your baby weighs about 3 pounds and is more than 15 inches long. She can open and close her eyes and follow a light.
Eight Months
Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds. His layers of fat are filling him out, making him rounder, and his lungs are well developed.
Nine Months
The average baby is >19 inches long and weighs nearly 7 pounds now, but babies vary in size at this stage
Drfatiha : Akhawat (warning: married and pregnant), which stage is your pregnancy? Come and share your experience ! Pls post a comment. hehe . Moga dipermudahkan amen
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