My scribbles

Monday, July 5, 2010


Ummi was cooking in matbakh.. and syifa' was watching while clapping her hands..
And the spaggetti was boiling on the stove while ummi threw some wedges to the fry pan..
All of a sudden, the flames caught into the fry pan and fire blazed onto the pan.. shocking syifa' and startled ummi..

Finally ummi able to put down the fire after stopping the gas supply..

And ummi calmed down syifa'.. upon seeing ummi syifa' hurriedly hugged ummi and cried without stopping..

Ok ok.. sorry sorry.. ummi tak sengaja la.. cayang bucuk2 ummi..

lesson learnt: Jangan terus masukkan barangan sejuk beku ke dalam fry pan yang tersangat panas..

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