My scribbles

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kartika : Mystery of canning

Kartika Sri Dewi Shukarno's act of drinking alcohol in front of the public while in Cherating sparks mixed reactions among Malaysians.

The Kuantan Syariah court gas ordered 6 cannings for Kartika as a punishment of her immoral act.

The truth is 6 cannings are not according to Hudud. Syariah's law imposed 40 or 80 cannings to teach alcoholic drinkers some manners.. It is under Malaysian authority as to give 6lashes to Kartika as a lesson. She also paid RM5000 fine.

SIS disagree with the anactment hence filed a suit against the judgement. 'This does not symbolises Malaysia as a leading moderate islamic country..SIS said.

On what ground should Malaysia behaves to make a muslim's country?

The ugly truth is that her punishment was politicised.

While she was going to the jail to be canned, a mysterical 'order' came as to delay the punishment so that she can plead for lighter sentence.

Does'nt this sounds awkward?

Certainly does.

The question is, for what reason does islam prohibits alcohol?

In his book Al-Halal wal Haram fil Islam (The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam) Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi states the following:

The first declaration made by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) concerning this matter was that not only is Khamr (wine or alcohol) prohibited but that the definition of Khamr extends to any substance that intoxicates, in whatever form or under whatever name it may appear. Thus, beer and similar drinks are haram.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was once asked about certain drinks made from honey, corn, or barley by the process of fermenting them until they became alcoholic. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) succinctly replied, "Every intoxicant is Khamr, and every Khamr is haram." Reported by Muslim.)

And `Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) declared from the pulpit of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) that "Khamr is that which befogs the mind." (Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.)

If Khamr befogs mind, what do you think a model with a befogged mind could possibly do?

She will start talking nonsense, bumping on others, behave erratically and not surprisingly will end up commiting other haram things.

Thats why islam give a clear cut sentence to anyone who drinks alcohol.

Islam takes an uncompromising stand in prohibiting intoxicants, regardless of whether the amount is little or much. If an individual is permitted to take but a single step along this road, other steps follow; he starts walking and then running, and does not stop at any stage.

That is why the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Of that which intoxicates in a large amount, a small amount is haram." (Reported by Ahmad Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi.) And again, "If a bucketful intoxicates, a sip of it is haram." (Reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi.)

Stop politicise thing. Practise islam accordingly. fullstop.

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