My scribbles

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Setelah 4 hari di GH, ayah still tak dapat slot utk MRI. So we've slotted ayah into Hosp Fatimah's MRI.

I've discussed thoroughly with the radiologist, Dr Muhammad.

It's actually a GLIOBLASTOMA MULTIFORME, or grade 4 astrocytoma - a form of vulgar brain cancer...

Radiologically, it appears in a butterfly pattern. It originates from the corpus callosum , tempat white matter of the brain atau nak senang nak fahamnya, tempat all the fibres crossing each other. Seperti yang kita tahu, brain kita ni ada Grey matter and White matter. Grey matter ni tempat all kepala neurons terletak,, manakala white matter ni tempat all fibres /ekor neurons tu terletak. Dalam white matter ni ada beberapa glial cells yang fungsinya utk bagi makanan pada sel saraf / neurons. Maka if ada satu dua cells di white matter ni jadi cancerous ( multiply without stopping) dia akan terus menerus multiply tanpa ada had sempadan. Sbb itu kalau nak diikutkan most likely cancer ayah ni develop within this year. .. the most deadliest form of brain cancer.

Cancer ni developed dari CORPUS CALLOSUM and dah involve both of the PARIETAL LOBES...

Treatment wise, sebenarnya pada chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Tapi utk pastikan chemotherapy dengan radiotherapy ni berkesan, it was recommended for ayah to undergo surgery.

Belah otak and debulk the tumor.

We've discussed with Mr Cheung, HOD neurosurgery GH ipoh, diorang akan approach from the vertex / hujung atas kepala. Make a craniotomy window about 5x3cm di kepala, and they will enter the brain and will try to debulk the tumor.

Debulk to maksudnya dia akan cuba keluarkan tumor semaksima mungkin..

He promised us that ayah will be discharge 3days after the surgery.. dan ayah will be at least the same atau a bit better from his condition now..

itupun if takde complications during the surgery...

for a 78 year old man, with chronic kidney disease, tak sure ayah boleh lepas pre-med dengan anaesthethist ( pakar bius).

Takut his heart and lungs are not fit enough to undergo surgery..

Imagine during operation, we have to take over patient's breathing with a ventilation tube, tambahan lagi ini adalah pembedahan kepala. NO room for mistakes. IF silap sj, boleh dapat massive bleeding. Brain adalah salah satu organ yang paling banyak salur darah / vascular.

Mr Cheung discussed about possibility utk ayah ke ICU after surgery.

ICU Ipoh skrang ada 1 kematian H1N1.

If ayah settle down di ICU, dengan keadaan ayah yang immunocompromised sbb baru lepas surgery, there is surely risk utk ayah dapat H1N1...

And possibility that he wont recover from the surgery.. terus menerus depend on ventilation tube..

And itu baru sebut pasal operation. After operation ayah kena buat chemotherapy dengn this drug named temozolamide and radiotherapy. Temozolamide will help the cancer cells to be more responsive pada radiotherapy nanti.

Chu An tanya if buat operation tapi tak nak buat chemo and radio boleh tak.

If tak nak buat chemo and radio, might as well tak yah buat operation.
Because operation alone doesn't cure the cancer. The definite treatment is with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Dalam keadaan ayah nanti utk berulang alik pergi chemo and radiotherapy..i'm not sure whether ayah can cope.

But we can try..

Thinking of these possibilities, mak sangat sedih and affected..
If ayah tak buat surgery, maybe ayah boleh balik dengan keadaan ayah sekarang.. he will deteriorate sooon, but not now.. maybe skrang we can give him among the best moments.. make him happy..

After all, we are talking about QUALITY OF LIFE Vs LIFE.

After all umur ayah dah 78 tahun, mean age male kat malaysia ni 73. Ayah dah hidup far beyond the life expectancy. Ayah dah hidup dengan 5years bonus years.

Rasulullah pun hidup 63years old...

I asked if kita boleh buat radio-surgery, a form of non invasive treatment. Shine kan radiotherapy wave ke tumor bulk to and kill the cancer cells.. Dengan cara tu kita tak payah open up the skull. Tapi rupanya this kind of surgery only available di GHKL. Under Mr Safari.
So I called up Mr Safari, he said he needs to look at the MRI images first.
Tapi he said gamma knife tu cuma boleh matikan cell yang less than 3cm.
Ayah punya tumor dah 5x4x3cm from the MRI images..
Mr Safari offered me that he can take a look.. Boleh cuba tengok for second opinion.

Hence we discussed again in the masjid, apa keputusan yang akan dibuat..

at last we decided to take ayah home.. to rest at home..
play with syifa'.. eat food that only my mom makes..
enjoy life to the fullest..
give back his smiles..
lots and lots of TLC ..(tender loving care)
and opted for complementary medicine..

reflexology, massage..acupuncture.. hemopathy..

Ateh recommend ayah minum mangosteen juice .. banyak antioxidant.. boleh serap free radicals dari badan..

Hemopathy wise, elakkan ayah makan benda bakar2 ..sbb takut carsinogenic..

Air syifa' with daun bidara to ?shrink the tumor..

In the mean time probably i can shoot some MRI images to Mr Safari..

Hence we took ayah home last Thursday..

Ayah was crying bila kami papah beramai2 menuju ke katil yang kami dah bawa keluar dari bilik dan letakkan di living room..

Lepas mandi, mak dudukkan syifa' dekat ayah.. syifa' was entertaining aki to gain back his smiles and strength...

Pagi esoknya, zaujiy ateh me and syifa' shop around for a surgical bed, urinal, commote, wheel chair...

Agak limited options utk cari multifunctional bed like the one in the hospital but we finally manage to find one.


May ALLAH give strength to all of us.. and make all these as kaffarah to all the past sins we've done.. and take us back in the purest form.. husnul khatimah..amen..


banat said...

kak, terus berikhtiar..
banyakkan sabar. ayah akak mesti sangat bahagia even tho dalam keadaan macam tu sebab ada anak menntu yg sangat super duper care.

kami di KT hantar doa dari jauh. tc!

einhyatt said...

semoga Allah kurniakan kesabaran dan sebesar2 pahala