..the believers are only those who when ALLAH is mentioned, feel a fear in their hearts and when His Verses are recited unto them the increase their Faith and they put their trust in their Lord ( alone) - Al anfal: 2
Alhamdulillah.. today is our first wedding anniversary. Alhamdulillah, all praise to ALLAH for the greatest gift for the anniversary.
Syifa Al Hayah Bt Mohd Nasrul Muhaimin
Day 18 of life
It's still a long way to go for us.... as what Imam Syaheed Hassan Al Banna mentioned in "maratibul amal"
- Fardhul Muslim (peribadi muslim)
- Baitul Muslim (keluarga muslim)
- Irsyadul Mujtama' (membimbing maysarakat)
- Tahrirul Wathon (pembebasan watan Islam)
- Islahul Hukumah (pembaikan pemerintahan)
- Khilafah Islamiyah (khilafah Islam)
- Ustaziatul Alam (pembimbing alam/dunia)
O you who believe! Betray not ALLAH and His Messenger nor betray knowingly your Amanat.. and know the possessions and your children are but a trial and that surely with ALLAh is a mighty reward..
O you who believe! if you obey ALLAH He will grant you Furqan and will expiate your sins and forgive you, waALLAHu zul fadhlil a'zeem......- 8:27-29
ala tomey tomeyy...
syifa' dear, awak sgt comel :)
untuk ummi dan abi semoga usia perkahwinan menambahkan lagi jumlah mujahid wa mujahidah :)
didoakan moga cik einhyatt and dik banat mudah dipertemukan jodoh.. amen..
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